Partners' Institution:
I.I.S. Rita Levi-Montalcini
Project's period (from/to):
01 January 2015 - 31 December 2016

Objectives of activities carried out:
The Phase 2 "Creation of the Toolkits" aims to provide the target groups with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the promotion of awareness of the importance of sport at school, to the social inclusion at school through sport, to an ethical approach to sport, to a better knowledge of all sports.

The project partners will cooperate in the development of three toolkits.
1) The first toolkit will be addressed to physical education teachers in secondary schools.
The toolkit will contain guidelines and teaching sources on the following topics:
- Strategies to motivate students who are usually not involved in physical education activities.
- Sport as a mean to promote social inclusion.
- Promotion of an ethical approach to sport.
- Promotion of less popular sports

2) The second toolkit will be addressed to teachers of all subjects in secondary schools.
The toolkit will contain guidelines and teaching sources on the following topics:
- Strategies to motivate students who are only interested in sport to successfully balance study and sport.
- Strategies to integrate sport and healthy lifestyle approaches into the students’ educational pathways. This may include how to teach curricular lessons through sport related activities (e.g. Trekking for scientific lessons, Sport events to teach history or culture etc.)
- Strategies to use sport as a mean to promote the acquisition by students of transversal skills (e.g. communication, learning to learn, entrepreneurship etc.)

3) The third toolkit will be addressed to school directors.
The toolkit will contain guidelines on:
- The importance of promoting sport at school.
- Integration of sport into the curricular activities
- Sport as a mean for social inclusion
- Balance sport and study at school

Description of activities carried out:
IIS Rita Levi-Montalcini has worked in collaboration with RENASUP to write two different toolkits :

- Sport as a mean to promote social inclusion, including communication with parents
- Sport as a means of social inclusion

IIS Rita Levi-Montalcini has worked in collaboration with IIS Datini to write one toolkit for teachers

-How to use sport as a mean to acquire transversal skills.

IIS Rita Levi -Montalcini then translated three of the toolkits in national language and 5 step two other toolkits. (P2.2)

IIS Rita Levi-Montalcini production of the final version of the guideline for policy makers on sport and school ,in particular the step: 4, 6 and 9

Database of toolkits published on Project Portal to start the phase of evaluation
The toolkits have been presented to many target groups:
vocational teachers;
teachers of other subjects ( like language teachers, healthy education teachers etc.);
PE teachers and to others interested persons.
The managers are also aware of these materials.
17/11/2016 IIS Rita Levi-Montalcini organized the national conference with all the teachers of the Institute and other teachers of Acqui terme, it presented the toolkit and the database.
IIS Montalcini has produced thirty comments on initiatives organised with explicit reference to the use and utility of the databases and toolkits