Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sporting events are organised in each partner country

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Homepage > Best Practices > Initiatives

Collection of initiatives aiming at promoting:

  • awareness of importance of sport at school level
  • social inclusion and prevent early school leaving
  • an ethical approach to sport
  • all types of sports at school level

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Found 135 documents

Title of the Initiative Country Sport
“City of Prato Competition - School Sport/ Expressive/ Physical Workshops” Italy
“Rhéto-défi” Mouscron Belgium Acrobatic gymnastics, Archery, Badminton, Bike & run, Cycling, Golf, Multi sports, Orienteering, Shooting, Tchoukball, Volleyball
“Sport and Respect for the Law“ Italy Football, Volleyball
"Oval Planet" Operation France Rugby
"Sport élite" school section Belgium Badminton, Football, Hockey, Rugby, Swimming, Tennis
"Star Player Cup" Italy Football
"Year of sport" from elementary school to college France Athletics, Badminton, Basket, Football
100x100 meter France Athletics
Active Girls United Kingdom
Active Schools United Kingdom
After Match Project – Fair Play on the Stands Italy Multi sports
Ammattiosaajan liikuntavuosi (VET Students’ Sports Year) Finland
Beach & Volley School Italy Archery, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball
Beach volley Italy Archery, Football, Tennis, Volleyball
Beating the Guinness record at doing pushups Poland Multi sports
BG Be Active Bulgaria Multi sports
Big Steps Project Turkey Archery, Athletics, Basket, Bike & run, Cycling, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Martial Art, Multi sports, Rowing, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Cheile Nerei Mountainbike Race 2015 Romania Bike & run
Ciclo tour Italy Cycling
City of Prato Competition - School Sport/ Expressive/ Physical Workshops Italy Athletics, Dancing, Gymnastics
climbing Italy Climbing
ClubGolf United Kingdom Golf
Coca Cola Development League Turkey Football
Community Sports Hub United Kingdom
Cros Pentru Scoli (Cros for Schools) Romania Athletics
Cross-country for ELA association : "Put on your trainers and fight against illness" France Athletics
Cycl'eau Belgium Cycling
Dancing for ADMO-AIDO Italy Dancing
Danone Teens Cup Turkey Turkey Football
Discovering Sailing and the Sea Environment Italy Rowing
Dragon Boat Italy Rowing
Dragon boat dragging Poland Rowing
Dundee Academy of Sport United Kingdom
Espoo HIgh Tech Basketball Tournament Finland Basket
Ethics in sports Belgium Multi sports
EU:Sport:Future Bulgaria, France Basket, Football, Gymnastics, Tennis, Volleyball, Winter Sports
European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn) France, Italy Acrobatic gymnastics, Athletics, Basket, Cycling, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Martial Art, Multi sports, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball
Extreme Drift & Rally Challenge Romania Motor Sports
Fair Play- School and Sport Italy Multi sports
Fans Against Violence Project Turkey Basket
Fencing season France Fencing
Film and Sport Night Poland Badminton, Basket, Football, Table tennis, Volleyball
First steps to Santiago de Compostela Belgium Trekking
Football for young people ... Football of young people Italy Football
Football professionals are meeting with Future Stars Turkey Football
Framework on sexual and physical integrity in sport Belgium Multi sports
Full Moon Run Romania Bike & run
FunVolleyBall Poland Volleyball
Game on Scotland United Kingdom
Geleceğin Yıldızları - Future Stars Turkey Athletics, Basket, Bike & run, Climbing, Football, Gymnastics, Multi sports, Orienteering, Rowing, Swimming, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Geleceğin Yıldızları - Future Stars Turkey Athletics, Basket, Bike & run, Climbing, Football, Gymnastics, Multi sports, Orienteering, Rowing, Swimming, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Geleceğin Yıldızları - Future Stars Turkey Athletics, Basket, Bike & run, Climbing, Football, Gymnastics, Multi sports, Orienteering, Rowing, Swimming, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Gençliğe Sporla Bakış Projesi - Youth from the Point of Sport Project Turkey Football
Get Set to Make a Change United Kingdom
Golden Ticket Scheme United Kingdom
Grunwald Baseball Cup 2015 Poland Baseball
Holebi of hetero, maak er geen spel van / LGB or straight, don’t make a game of it Belgium Football
Hyvinvointi virtaa (Stream of wellbeing in vocational studies) Finland
Hyvinvoiva oppimisympäristö (Welfare of the Learning Environment -model) Finland
Individual Sport Learning Pathway Finland Acrobatic gymnastics, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basket, Bike & run, Climbing, Cycling, Dancing, Fencing, Football, Futsal, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Horse riding, Ice skating, Martial Art, Motor Sports, Multi sports, Orienteering, Roller skating, Rowing, Shooting, Squash, Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Initiation to circus techniques Belgium Multi sports
Integration day for new Year 11 students France Badminton, Basket, Dancing, Table tennis, Volleyball
IPW Trophée Belgium Athletics, Multi sports
Itinéraire Wallonie vélo 2013-2014 Belgium Cycling
Jeanne d'Arc Sporting Raid France Archery, Athletics, Bike & run, Golf, Orienteering
Kaikki peliin! Finland Baseball, Basket, Football, Winter Sports
Kasva urheilijaksi Jyväskylässä Finland
Knowing Your Land – Environmental Heritage – Trekking Activity Italy Orienteering, Trekking
Let's move it Finland (Ready, Steady, Go!) Finland
Liikkuva Amis (Moving Student) Finland
Liikkuva koulu Finland
Links Park Community Trust United Kingdom Football
Memorial Day Italy Volleyball
Mobilizeaza-te si tu poti fi campion (Mobilize yourself and you can be a champion) Romania Basket
Mon club mon école / My club my school Belgium Multi sports
Moneasa Mountainbike Maraton Romania Cycling
Morning practices for the juniors Finland Basket
mountain bike Cycling
MoveWeek Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basket, Climbing, Cricket, Fencing, Football, Gymnastics, Multi sports, Roller skating, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball
MultiSport Poland Multi sports
National Handball Championship for Juniors Romania
National Sport Day at School. France Badminton, Dancing, Table tennis, Volleyball
NoWeMove Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom Acrobatic gymnastics, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basket, Bike & run, Boules, Climbing, Cricket, Cycling, Dancing, Fencing, Football, Futsal, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Horse riding, Ice skating, Martial Art, Motor Sports, Multi sports, Orienteering, Roller skating, Rowing, Rugby, Shooting, Squash, Swimming, Table tennis, Tchoukball, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Olympic Mini Picnic Poland Archery, Badminton, Cycling, Dancing, Martial Art, Multi sports, Table tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
One sport day for solidarity Belgium Baseball, Boules, Cycling, Dancing, Football, Futsal, Roller skating, Table tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
Organisation of tennis table competition for elementary school pupils France Table tennis
Oyunda Kal Turkey Basket
Palla Tamburello Italy Badminton
Premiere Sports United Kingdom Athletics, Basket, Cricket, Football, Futsal, Gymnastics, Multi sports, Tennis, Volleyball
Project “I support safely” Poland Basket, Football, Volleyball
Project “Jestem fair” (I am fair) Poland Basket, Football, Table tennis, Volleyball
Project for the Development of Female Sport Italy Multi sports
Promotion of Olympic values towards 10 years old pupils France Athletics, Badminton, Basket, Cycling, Fencing, Football, Martial Art, Rowing, Swimming, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Promotional Activities 4th UEFA European Under-17 Championship Italy Football
Rowing at School Project Italy Rowing
Safeguarding Youth Sport Belgium, Romania, United Kingdom Multi sports
Saint Ana Lake Exterra Triathlon Romania Athletics, Cycling
Saku Sports - 24 hours of movement Finland
School National Championships Romania Baseball, Martial Art, Rowing, Swimming, Winter Sports
School Nutrition & Sport Programme Poland Multi sports
Ski Project Limone Piemonte Italy Winter Sports
Smart Moves Finland
Snow on Fire Romania Winter Sports
Spiritfest 2015 Romania Multi sports
Spor A.Ş. - M0bil Sport Project Turkey Athletics, Bike & run, Cycling, Gymnastics, Multi sports
Sport camp Belgium Athletics, Badminton, Climbing, Cycling, Dancing, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Horse riding, Ice skating, Martial Art, Rowing, Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Winter Sports
Sport Club Week Belgium Multi sports
Sport for all on the Snow – Days of Integration Project Italy Winter Sports
Sportez-vous bien Belgium Athletics, Multi sports
Sports and science Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom Baseball, Basket, Dancing, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Tennis
Sports Culture and Olympic Education Project Turkey Acrobatic gymnastics, Archery, Athletics, Baseball, Basket, Climbing, Football, Gymnastics, Ice skating, Martial Art, Swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
Sports For Schools United Kingdom
Sports Science Fair Project Ideas Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom Baseball, Basket, Football, Hockey, Multi sports, Tennis
StreetSoccer United Kingdom Football
Strengthening Coaching with the Objective to Raise Equality Finland, United Kingdom Athletics, Basket, Football, Multi sports, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Strengthening European Traditional Sports Belgium, Finland, France, Italy Archery, Athletics, Cricket, Hockey, Martial Art, Multi sports, Shooting, Tchoukball
Students Sporting Tournaments Italy Football
Swimming Italy Swimming
The Annual Autumn Cross Country Race Poland Athletics
The Day of Sport Poland Archery, Athletics, Volleyball
The Work Capacity Certificate (Ammattiosaajan työkykypassi) Finland
Traditional sports Italy, United Kingdom Archery, Athletics, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Martial Art, Multi sports, Shooting
Triathlon Belgium Athletics, Cycling, Swimming
Turkey Fair Play Awards Turkey Acrobatic gymnastics, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basket, Bike & run, Boules, Climbing, Cricket, Cycling, Dancing, Fencing, Football, Futsal, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Horse riding, Ice skating, Martial Art, Motor Sports, Multi sports, Orienteering, Roller skating, Rowing, Rugby, Shooting, Squash, Swimming, Table tennis, Tchoukball, Tennis, Trekking, Volleyball, Winter Sports
Two educational trips for Year 12 and senior students of the “Passion sport” class. France Bike & run, Multi sports, Rowing
Tyr-Flykick Cup swimming seventh edition Romania Swimming
Vélo3 Belgium Cycling
Video STEP France
Volleyball Marathon Poland Volleyball
welcome first classes Italy Trekking
WF z Klasą (PE with the Class) Poland Multi sports
Wings for Life World Run 2015 Romania Athletics
Winning Students United Kingdom
Youth Projects Support Program Turkey Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basket, Gymnastics, Martial Art, Swimming, Table tennis

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.