Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2015 - 31 December 2016

Objectives of activities carried out:
The Phase 2 "Creation of the Toolkits" aims to provide the target groups with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the promotion of awareness of the importance of sport at school, to the social inclusion at school through sport, to an ethical approach to sport, to a better knowledge of all sports.

The project partners will cooperate in the development of three toolkits.
1) The first toolkit will be addressed to physical education teachers in secondary schools.
The toolkit will contain guidelines and teaching sources on the following topics:
- Strategies to motivate students who are usually not involved in physical education activities.
- Sport as a mean to promote social inclusion.
- Promotion of an ethical approach to sport.
- Promotion of less popular sports

2) The second toolkit will be addressed to teachers of all subjects in secondary schools.
The toolkit will contain guidelines and teaching sources on the following topics:
- Strategies to motivate students who are only interested in sport to successfully balance study and sport.
- Strategies to integrate sport and healthy lifestyle approaches into the students’ educational pathways. This may include how to teach curricular lessons through sport related activities (e.g. Trekking for scientific lessons, Sport events to teach history or culture etc.)
- Strategies to use sport as a mean to promote the acquisition by students of transversal skills (e.g. communication, learning to learn, entrepreneurship etc.)

3) The third toolkit will be addressed to school directors.
The toolkit will contain guidelines on:
- The importance of promoting sport at school.
- Integration of sport into the curricular activities
- Sport as a mean for social inclusion
- Balance sport and study at school

Description of activities carried out:
In cooperation with Omnia, inforef will create toolkits on these subjects:

- How to motivate students only interested in sport to improve their school performances (for teachers of all subjects)
- How to support students to balance sport and study at school (school directors)

Inforef has started to review literature on the subject and has written a set of possible recommandation. The first drafts was submitted to Omnia and the project coordinator and was presented during the second transnational meeting in Paris. Afterwards, Inforef and Omnia cooperated to the final version of the toolkit for school directors "How to support students to balance sport and study at school". This toolkit was submitted to the project coordinator.

Inforef and Omnia proceeded in the same way for the second toolkit.
In cooperation with RENASUP, Inforef translated the second sets of toolkit in French. Inforef has sent the 6 toolkit it translated to the coordinator.
The two toolkits were delivered with a slight delay. All the toolkits were translated in French and delivered on time to the coordinator.

Omnia and Inforef each presented one toolkit to the partners during the third partners' meeting.

Comments are being collected.

Toolkit "How to support students to balance sport and study at school" (for school directors) was submitted. The second toolkit "How to motivate students only interested in sport to improve their school performances (for teachers of all subjects)" was submitted as well.

Inforef translated the toolkits in French, in cooperation with RENASUP.

Comments have been collected.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
Cooperation between Inforef and Omnia went fine. The toolkits were delivered with a slight delay. Thanks to cooperation with RENASUP, the toolkits are available in French