Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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How to Use Sport as a Means to Acquire Life Skills, Including Strategies of Communication with Families

A Toolkit for Teacher of All Subjects

8. Communication strategies with families
Communication with families plays an important part in the students’ educational process. Strategies to be undertaken should be viewed in the context of the school-family relationships, as constant communication and effective involvement of the families in school activities.
The strategic plan consists of making families aware that through sports activities students acquire a series of effective skills to be used in the future.
The values that sport conveys are deeply consistent with the purpose of establishing inclusive societies. It is necessary that school and parents work together to reach the goal: they must become allies and teach students the most important civic and social values.
Learning Objective
The main purpose is the creation of effective communication between school and family on issues related to transferable skills acquired through sport, working especially on interpersonal and communication skills.
Communication with families plays a strategic role especially when it comes to dealing with demotivated students or in case of disadvantaged situations.
Wellbeing at school is, in this case, the result of competencies solicited through physical activity.
Online Resources
  • Communicating with Parents: Strategies for TeachersTeachers must always continue to develop and expand their skills in order to maximize effective communication with parents. This article presents an overview of this topic.
  • Parenting: Transferable Skills for Life and WorkEducation and the modern family This workshop is about all the skills that parents use (often unconsciously) that can be used for other life and work activities.
  • Education and the modern familyThis article underlines the importance of the alliance between school and family: “Successful modern schools must make an effort be open and responsive to the needs of modern families. At the same time, modern families must also accept their responsibility in ensuring the well-being of their children – and that includes taking part in their education”.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.