Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Teachers of all subjects can contribute to promote sport at school

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How to Use Sport as a Means to Acquire Life Skills, Including Strategies of Communication with Families

A Toolkit for Teacher of All Subjects

2. Promotion, among the teachers of other subjects, of a deep consideration of the development of life skills through Sport at and beyond school
Traditional teaching generally focuses on the transmission of specific contents, but nowadays the aim of an inclusive society involves the increasing acquisition of life skills that should be integrated with the contents of all subjects. Recent studies suggest teaching students through the direct dealing with problems related to reality and making sure they mainly learn through experience and teamwork. Here life skills get back into the game. The EU promotes a wide and comprehensive approach to learning, a complete set of different learning methods and environments, including informal learning.
Many skills can be acquired using sport activities, such as communicating, working in groups etc .The class council, or in any case the working group within the school, could spread this information to promote a deep consideration of the development of life skills through sport.

The goal is a dedicated project in the school organized as follows:
• Planning a skill based cross-curricular learning unit, indicating the life skills as prerequisites or as a requirement to learn during the PE classes
• Giving greater weight to life skills in the assessment stage
• Making the curriculum more flexible
• Planning the operating modes:
   1. Suggesting the goals to be pursued (general and specific)
   2. Handing out a questionnaire in order to conduct a sociometric analysis
   3. Identifying the students (or pairs or small groups) to be entrusted with a practical responsibility, on the basis of the results of the analysis made
   4. Using the same strategy in other subjects, exploiting the results of the analysis carried out

Traditional teaching generally focuses on the transmission of specific contents, but nowadays the aim of an inclusive society involves the increasing acquisition of life skills that should be integrated with the contents of all subjects. Recent studies suggest teaching students through the direct dealing with problems related to reality and making sure they mainly learn through experience and teamwork. Here life skills get back into the game. The EU promotes a wide and comprehensive approach to learning, a complete set of different learning methods and environments, including informal learning.
Many skills can be acquired using sport activities, such as communicating, working in groups etc .The class council, or in any case the working group within the school, could spread this information to promote a deep consideration of the development of life skills through sport.

The goal is a dedicated project in the school organized as follows:
• Planning a skill based cross-curricular learning unit, indicating the life skills as prerequisites or as a requirement to learn during the PE classes
• Giving greater weight to life skills in the assessment stage
• Making the curriculum more flexible
• Planning the operating modes:
   1. Suggesting the goals to be pursued (general and specific)
   2. Handing out a questionnaire in order to conduct a sociometric analysis
   3. Identifying the students (or pairs or small groups) to be entrusted with a practical responsibility, on the basis of the results of the analysis made
   4. Using the same strategy in other subjects, exploiting the results of the analysis carried out
Learning Objective
- Collect and examine the best practices in order to develop life skills
- Identify current practices for integrating life skills into teaching
- Enhance the sharing of experience
Online Resources

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.