Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Teachers of all subjects can contribute to promote sport at school

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How to Use Sport as a Means to Acquire Life Skills, Including Strategies of Communication with Families

A Toolkit for Teacher of All Subjects

1. Transferable life skills connected to sport and to the development of the PE curriculum
The body and the movement are two of the main elements of the individual and social dimension in personal development, therefore physical activities provide a particular contribution to the establishment and strengthening of expertise in the various areas of knowledge. In particular, within the educational path of Physical Education and in a continuous connection to its specific experiential features, the curriculum helps to develop life skills to consolidate different areas and types:
• Cognitive skills
   - Develop and improve coordination, perceptual and representative skills related to space, time and body and improve its knowledge and awareness;
   - Develop the ability to analyze and synthesize, to problematize, to evaluate in order to interpret behaviors, situations and events;
• Communication skills
   - Express oneself and communicate with the different languages owning their respective codes of access;
• Methodological skills
   - Find out solutions, even creative ones, to solve problems;
   - Organize the skills and the knowledge acquired to plan and build effective procedures; (small progression to improve one's own skills ...);
   - Orient oneself (assess, self- evaluate, choose) among different opportunities;
• Social and relational skills
   - Participate in a conscious and effective manner in group life, in accordance with one's own and other people's attitudes and characteristics;
   - Take on the adequate sanitary and health prevention and protection behaviors;
   - Acquire aware and well-informed outdoors lifestyles in relation to the characteristics of the territory and in respect of the environment.

Many of the skills to be found in this path can be recognized as being the same skills related to the European Framework of the key competences of citizenship, such as problem solving, learning to learn, communicating, using different languages in the communication process.
Learning Objective
The teachers of the different subjects, coordinated by the PE teachers, can:
• Examine the curriculum, in order to highlight the activities that most contribute to develop life skills
• Examine the students' work to enhance the life skills related to motor activity in their path
• Plan common and shared paths to promote life skills through Physical Activity.
Online Resources

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.