Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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School Directors

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Sport as a Mean of Social Inclusion

A Toolkit for School Director

4. Imagine ideas to attract students back into school.
1. Offer fun sport activities to young people and their educators.
2. Make the most of their visit and take a tour of the school.
3. Offer role-playing games to make them understand the rules of community life.
4. Offer other playful activities by the general fields teachers/educators.
5. Offer then other practical activities in connection with different professional fields.
6. Organize a meeting between the young people and professionals who will show them the jobs they need by offering them firstly internships, and then alternance training.
Learning Objective
The aim is therefore to slowly :
• Bring them back into school
• Make them understand the rules of community life through playful activities.
• Show them that schooling can be very different from what they have known so far and that made them fail.
• Make them discover what they like and what they can do through different activities.
• Organize meetings with professionals to help them enter the entrepreneurial world.
Online Resources
  • Monitoring and supporting platforms to disengagement youth (only in French)This guide offers many pieces of advice concerning early school leaving, and how it is important to have a good first contact with the young people at risk. It also proposes solutions and ideas to attract students back into school.
  • Discover EU's RoleThis site describes the strategic framework of education. It emphasizes the importance of sport to reduce early school leaving and also the role of education and training by promoting entrepreneurship among students.
  • Strategic framework – Education & Training 2020 This part of the website shows the importance of social inclusion and states the objectives of the European Union concerning this issue, that are: promoting social cohesion and active citizenship.
  • Colleges Attract Students With Unique Campus Tours This idea here is to attract students with recreational school tours to give them the desire to come back to school. It works for colleges, it may work for schools. The schools should invest in these tours to bring back early school leaving students. Show them that school goes beyond a simple classroom. Imagine new attractive activities, create groups, promote sport and emphasize on the rules of community life.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.