Lifelong Learning Programme

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School Directors

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How to Integrate Sport into Curricular Activities

School Director

2. Design, develop and implement high-quality course of study in physical education
The physical education curriculum content should include physical activities according to maturity phases taking into account the favourable periods that allow the full development of neuromotor abilities and skills.

A comprehensive physical activity program should describe what a physically educated student should know and be able to do. It emphasizes meaningful content, which includes:
• Instruction in a variety of motor skills designed to enhance child and adolescent development;
• Fitness education and assessment that allows for students to understand and improve their physical well-being;
• Development of cognitive concepts related to motor skills and fitnes;
• Opportunities to improve social and cooperative skills;
• Opportunities to increase the value placed on physical activity for health, enjoyment, self-expression, and confidence.

When designing the school program it could address set standrads (which may vary per country and school) in terms of hours of physical activity children should have. As per reccommendation of the World Health Organization the physcial activity of kids should be no less than 150 minutes per week. Of course the school may wish to provide more hours, including not only a minum let’s say, envisaged in the regular school curriculum, but also additional ahour of physical activity before and after school. Physical activity and physical fitness produce overall physical, psychological and social benefits, and inactive children are likely to become inactive adults. Evidence also suggests a relationship between increased physical activity and improved academic performance; studies have shown that normal-weight children also have higher scholastic achievement, less absenteeism and higher physical fitness levels than their obese counterparts.

Another important matter in the developing and implementing PE curriculum is for the school to determine its resources: material resources (supplies and equipment), human resources and financial resources.

A good PE curriculum may include different types of sports as units of the program with objectives of the activity, skills to be acquired, activities to be performed, evaluation done and safety concerns. For example:
Objectives: The student will: improve swimming skills; understand water safety rules; recognize water emergency situations and know what to do; enjoy swimming as a means of maintaining fitness.
Skills: surface diving, treading water, stroke work, reaching/throwing assists, escapes, carries, spinal injury. Activities: demonstration, group work, conditioning, games, relays.
Evaluation: written test, skills tests, participation.
Safety Concerns: water depth awareness; proper supervision/following of instructions; spacing awareness during reaching/throwing assists.”
Learning Objective
The learning objective of this step is to provide knowledge about what physical education curriculum content should include; how this content should answer the maturity phases of students and what knowledge and skills should a student have after completing his education under that curriculum.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.