Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Physical Education Teachers

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Promotion of an ethical approach to sport, including communication strategies with parents

A Toolkit for Physical Education Teacher

6. Threats and challenges to an ethical approach in sport
Unfairness in sport is a serious and difficult issue that opposes the idea of the Olympic values and threatens the reputation of sport. Any form of cheating is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of honorable competition, breaks the implicit social contract athletes agree to obey: We are going to play by the rules, competition is going to be clean. Educators’ role is to teach young people that it is possible to become successful acting in compliance with the concept of fair play and principles of sports ethics. The attitude “winning is everything“ leads to unethical behaviours in sport e.g. cheating, intentionally distracting opponents, aggression, violence, using doping or even genetic enhancement. Young athletes should be encouraged by PE teachers to focus on skills, challenge and the joy of striving for excellence, rather than merely winning.
In this section teachers can find helpful materials about the topic, including some case studies of sports careers ruined by doping. That may be of high educational value for students since sports stars are role models for the young. An interesting example of athletes’ respectful and humorous attitude to other players, officials and fans is presented in the video providing a mix of handshakes during games.
Learning Objective
The learning objective of this topic is to provide a short overview of challenges that threaten the Olympic idea of fair play in sports competition as well as to present a destructive impact of doping on sports careers.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.