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Physical Education Teachers

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How to Promote Less Popular Sports

Physical Education Teacher

6. School sport clubs and fan clubs in the field of less popular sports
The effective way to introduce to school a new sport discipline, sustain the interest among school community and assure the practice of that discipline is to establish a school sport club or fan club. Regular trainings, spectacular games accompanying the important school events and inter school competitions ensure the promotion of the new sport disciplines.
A club has many different possibilities to use the ICT tools (social media, own webpage, networks, forums etc.) which aim at promoting its activities and making international contacts with other clubs. The mutual support and exchange of experience as well as competing with other clubs of the same sport discipline entail travelling to new and interesting locations. The international contacts allow to reflect on the chosen sport discipline set in particular cultural context, thus contributing to development of students’ multicultural competence.
Besides, students’ clubs organized in the framework of after school activities provide the alternative way of spending free time in a way that influences positively the students’ educational process, contributing to both acquisition of the ethical values connected with sport competition, and shaping an active healthy lifestyle. Sport clubs can help students develop important social skills such as good citizenship, positive peer relations (facilitates making friends) and respect for authority through learning to interact not only with their peers, but also with their supervisors like their coaches and other sports officials. The membership of a child in a sport club usually makes parents engage in school sport events which enhance family integration.
The autonomy of the club as an independent subject enables to apply for the funds necessary for the equipment and expenditures connected with the organization of sporting events
Learning Objective
The learning objective of this topic is to gain knowledge about pros and cons of school sports and fan clubs in the context of promotion of less popular sports. Besides, the aim is to acquire practical skills of a sports coach running a school club e.g. to recognize students’ needs, analyze threats and effectively cooperate with parents.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.