Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sporting events are organised in each partner country

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Homepage > Best Practices > Initiatives

Collection of initiatives aiming at promoting:

  • awareness of importance of sport at school level
  • social inclusion and prevent early school leaving
  • an ethical approach to sport
  • all types of sports at school level

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Title of the initiative:
Palla Tamburello
Web site of the initiative:
Date of the Event:
Years 2015
City (province of Savona) and after Regional and National (Rome, Florence and Alessandria)
promotion of an ethical approach to sport
promotion of awareness of importance of sport at school level
Description of the initiatives:
Our project was born with parternship of Italian Federation Pallatamburello (FIPT), International Federation Balle au Tamburin (FIBT), Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), MIUR Savona

The projects is developed in three steps:

• presentation and approach to Pallatamburello;
• theoretical, technical and sport preparation
• check of competences acquired during tournaments, meetings and competitions with other schools and companies in Italy

The first part of the project is developed every week in our gyms during the school period. The project involves around 5, 6% of students of the first, second and third years in our school.

The constant training and direct check enables a sure development both for the individual and the team.
This process enables the students to be really aware of the importance of sport within the school system.
The chance of meeting peer students coming from differents places leads to a concrete way of socialization.

Practising sports, such as tambourin, where fairplay is a fundamental element, gives our students both an ethical approach to sport and opportunities of social growth, respect and application of ethical concepts that go beyond sport environment.
Supporting Documents:

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.