Lifelong Learning Programme

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Case Studies

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Collection of case studies of school students who succeeded in balancing school career with the passion for sport.

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Name of the student:
Nikola Sułek


Name of the School:
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im Mikołaja Kopernika
School Typology:
general secondary school
ul. Wały Piastowskie 6, 80-855 Gdańsk
+48 58 3016734
+48 58 3016734
Web site:


The Context:
My sport adventure began at the age of 6 . I liked the movement and elements of the competition. My parents enrolled me in the football team at the GKS Kowale Club. For about 6 years I participated in training sessions, matches, while taking part in various sport activities at the primary school . The sports included dodgeball, volleyball, basketball, football, athletics. I won individual medals and points for my school. From the beginning of my sport career I relied on the support of my parents. It was both emotional and material support. In the primary and lower secondary school my teachers were interested in my progress and sport achievements. It was gymnasium where my physical education teachers noticing my potential persuaded me to try a new discipline - shot put.
Mr. Christopher James Skalski,, the trainer of Youth Interschool Sports Club in Gdańsk, noticed me during the school competition. He is my coach till today. He supports me, motivates, encourages during the trainings
As soon as I started my practice in competitive sports, the number of friends of the country and the world has greatly increased. We meet in sports competitions, during trainings and preparations. We contact with one another via e-mail and Facebook.
Unfortunately, in my school infrastructure it is not the best, but the teachers conducting physical education classes are trying to introduce various forms of training to make the activities more attractive. The lessons are very popular and the high percentage of the students attend them.
With the support of parents I can then continue the training. At the moment I do not have financial support from the other side, but maybe this will change soon.
Balancing Sport and Education:
The trainings take me around 5-6 hours a day, the lessons approx. 6-7 hours.
My best achievements are: World Junior Championships in Cali, Colombia in 2015 - the 10th place with a score of 16.17 meters, the 3rd place at the International Meeting in Schwechat (Austria), the 3rd place in Polish Junior Championships in the shot put with a score of 15.90 meters. I am also a junior vice champion of Poland in discus throw with a score of 39.96 meters.
I like attending school lessons but participation in the trainings and competition is time-consuming. I was frequently absent from classes at school and had to catch up with the other students. Not all the teachers are understanding as far as my sport carrier is concerned. Learning does not cause me problems, but to make better use of time from 01. 09. 2015 I applied for individual study path.
Future Perspectives:
Prospects for the future: to pass a high school diploma, get on Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport , physiotherapy department, and become a teacher of physical education - at the same time to win medals and top places in sport competitions in the country and abroad.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.