Lifelong Learning Programme

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Teachers of all subjects can contribute to promote sport at school

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How to integrate sport and healthy lifestyle approaches into the students' educational pathways

Teacher of All Subjects

1. Using Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity to raise Standards
This chapter provides the justification for the further promotion (and offer) of PE, sport and Physical Activity and how that when it is promoted and delivered successfully, the overall achievements of a school/college increase including both in academic performance and general development/behaviour.
‘Physical education, physical activity and sport have been shown to impact positively on the extent to which young people feel connected to their school; the aspirations of young people; the extent to which positive social behaviours exist within school; and the development of leadership and citizenship skills.’
(Stead & Neville 2010)
‘More physically fit children have improved brain function, higher academic achievement scores and superior cognitive performance than less fit children.’
(Chaddock 2012)

Everyone involved in Physical education, Sport and/or Physical Activity is convinced of its ability to further enhance lives, to motivate, to focus, and has the potential to bring out the very best in people. Many individuals are also able to take the wider ‘life skills’ they learn through physical education, sport and physical activity into other areas of life. Indeed, it would be rare to find a successful athlete who was unable to describe how different aspects of their sport have had an impact on their knowledge, behavior, attitude, or skills in other areas of their personal/professional lives. This is also true for young people. Physical education, sport and physical activity can be used to improve both their physical and cognitive development.
Schools and Colleges are full of learners whose self-esteem and confidence have benefited from participating and succeeding in some form of physical education, sport and physical activity, and who have built on this to improve their behaviors, attitudes, and performance across different areas of their lives. The key issue for teachers, coaches, and others working in educational environments is understanding how to harness what physical education, sport and physical activity can do for individuals, and turning this into a sustainable and successful strategy that works for all young people. We know that some adults (usually those who had a positive experience with physical education, sport and physical activity as a child) do this instinctively, but we also need to describe it in a way that any school/college can implement. Then we have a strategy for improving school standards. The evidence of impact is interesting. Every international research project that seeks to link physical activity, PE, or sport to an improvement in behavior or achievement finds a positive correlation, although some have stronger correlations than others. However, studies purely measuring the amount of physical activity, PE, or sport participation undertaken by pupils and their academic performance, however measured, do not show a clear and positive correlation. This tells us that just doing more physical activity isn’t by itself enough for most young people to bring about changes in behavior or achievement. Physical education, sport and physical activity strategies need to be appropriately linked into an educational strategy in order for them to be fully realized.
Learning Objective
• To provide further evidence of the value that Physical education, Sport and Physical activity has on the individual learner.
• To provide further evidence of the value that Physical education, Sport and Physical activity has on the school/college.
• To provide further evidence of the value that Physical education, Sport and Physical activity has on the wider community.
• To encourage school/colleges/local and national agencies to increase the opportunities for learners to actively participate in Physical education, Sport and Physical Activity.
• To provide a resource that supports the strategic planning and implementation of further Physical education, Sport and Physical Activity opportunities for all learners
• To further encourage schools/colleges to develop a shared planning and scheduling of teacher training (for teachers from other subject areas), to raise their awareness of how PE, sport and physical activity can develop life skills/ and the acquisition of cognitive, logical, mathematical, relational, self-esteem, respect for the rules, team work skills.
• To promote the idea that all teacher training (other core subjects) receive some formal training in physical education, sport and physical activity.

Similar to other whole-school improvement strategies, using physical education, sport and physical activity to improve whole-school standards works best when:
- Senior leadership, plays a role in the planning and implementation of the work;
- Pupils and staff involved are carefully identified;
- PE and other subject departments work collaboratively to develop strategies and high-quality resources; and

For this to be successful, we must ensure that physical education, sport and physical activity strategies are appropriately linked into an educational strategy.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.