Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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School Directors

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How to Integrate Sport into Curricular Activities

School Director

4. Surveying the health status of the students
The health status of students can be assessed in schools, regions, and countries using standardized surveys. It’s an important part of the integration of sports in the school curriculum even if it is not supposed to be used for measurement of the program success. Physical fitness testing should be integrated into the curriculum and emphasize health-related components of physical fitness (e.g., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition). The tests should be administered only after students are well oriented to the testing procedures. Testing should be a mechanism for teaching students how to apply behavioral skills (e.g., self-assessment, goal setting, and self-monitoring) to physical fitness development and for providing feedback to students and parents about students' physical fitness. The results of physical fitness testing should not be used to assign report card grades. Also, test results should not be used to assess program effectiveness; the validity of these measurements may be unreliable, and physical fitness and improvements in physical fitness are influenced by factors (e.g., physical maturation, body size, and body composition) beyond the control of teachers and students.

Health screenings are an important part of bulding knowledge and attitudes in students towards living a healthier life as adults. Health screenings in school might help to deal with a number of issues, detecting health problems in school-age and work with children and families to overcome problems and prevent the appearance of serious diseases in future. The most appropriate persons to conduct school health screenings are school nurses.
Learning Objective
The learning objective of this step is to provide knowledge about the methods of monitoring students’ health status, advantages and disadvantages of the different methods, as well as ways to work with different stakeholders in achieving a higher goal – preventing diseases and promoting healthier life style to students.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.