Lifelong Learning Programme

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Physical Education Teachers

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How to Promote Less Popular Sports

Physical Education Teacher

10. Sports and physical activities in a medical context
There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence on the positive effects of sport and physical activity on people’s lives. Engaging in regular physical activity is effective in the prevention of several chronic diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension and osteoporosis. Playing sports regularly builds muscles, has a positive influence on our image and raises resistibility to infections. Physical exercises also calm nervous system, and help to struggle with depression and stress-related disorders. As a part of healthy lifestyle physical activity and sport support strategies to improve diet and discourage the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. PE teachers play an important role in preventing and combating pupil’s obesity since body-related barriers and anxiety caused by weight - related social problems frequently discourage obese pupils from PE lessons.
Sports psychology, which is a component of sports science (discipline that studies how the healthy human body works during exercise), has proved that physical activity has a positive influence on academic performance. It can improve students’ memory, concentration and attention, which directly affect how people learn and retain information.
Physical therapy is an essential area of PE teachers’ activity aimed at special needs students. It is effective in helping children suffering from neurological disorders such as strokes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury.
By introducing some attractive health - related activities e.g. elements of meditative gymnastics like yoga, tai-chi or hippotherapy, music or dance therapy teachers can contribute to promotion of less popular activities, to students’ health benefit.
Learning Objective
The learning objective of this step is to develop PE teachers’ skills in the area of adapting physical education environment to the needs of students with health problems. This step also aims at raising awareness of therapeutic power of less popular physical activities and a strong positive impact that motion has on people’s organisms.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.