Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sporting events are organised in each partner country

This section of the Not Only Fair Play portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission, and is password protected.

Work in Progress

Homepage > Project Management > Work in Progress > Report Form


This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner uploads to this section on a three month basis.

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Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 January 2015 - 31 December 2016
Activity concerned:
Transversal Activity 5: Exploitation
Objectives of activities carried out:
The main aim of the sustainability activity is ensure the most appropriate impact of the project on each target group and the ensuring of the sustainability of the project after the end of the funding period.

The strategy to guarantee the project’s sustainability will be based on 5 main activities:

1) Involvement of the project beneficiaries

2) Involvement of key actors.
Public authories in charge of education have already joined the project as associated partners (e.g. two Regional Offices for Public Education of Tuscany and Liguria in Italy , Regional school inspectorate of Iasi in Romania, Directorate of Education of Inhisar in Turkey, Department of education of the Scottish Government, Regional Branch National Health System in Scotland, Dept of Education of Angus Municipality also in Scotland, Dept of Education of Gdansk Municipality in Poland).

3) Maintenance of the project outcomes.
Both the project coordinator and its partners are committed to maintain the project Portal for at least 5 years after the end of the EU funding period. They are committed to continuously update the portal with the latest information and material in order to keep the portal alive.

4) Insertion of the project outcomes into public and private in-service training offer for school teachers

5) Organization, in the years to come, of training initiatives and events in the field.

All partners will be required to carry out sustainability activities.
Description of activities carried out:
Pixel created the templates and forms to be used by the partners for carrying out the exploitation activities.
Pixel is also in charge of the collection of the exploitation material produced by the partners.
The partners are currently involving the associated partners.
The following forms have been created and are available on project website:
TA5.A – Form to collect exploitation links
TA5.B - Associated Partner Letter
TA5.C - Associated Partner Form
TA5.D - Guidelines for writing the Yearly Exploitation Report.doc

Pixel produced the transnational Exploitation report
Evaluation of the work undertaken:
All the tasks foreseen at this stage of the project in the framework of the Transversal Activity 5 have been carried out in due time and they are the basis for the future exploitation activities.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.