Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sporting events are organised in each partner country

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Homepage > Best Practices > Initiatives

Collection of initiatives aiming at promoting:

  • awareness of importance of sport at school level
  • social inclusion and prevent early school leaving
  • an ethical approach to sport
  • all types of sports at school level

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Title of the initiative:
Web site of the initiative:
Date of the Event:
from 2005
promotion of an ethical approach to sport
promotion of awareness of importance of sport at school level
Description of the initiatives:
This sport is one of the most characteristic activity of the hinterland of Savona province West for over thirty years, as universally recognized, by making it one of the most successful in Europe, with relevant feedback also.
Our Institute for more than 10 years organizing the territory outputs for climbing.
This activity allows you to capture:
• Movement of specific Techniques to scale with the right loading racks and handles.
• Static and dynamic postural Balance.
• Self-control of emotions and psychological growth.
• Ability to concentrate.
• General Motor Intelligence through intuition of different movements.
• Improving strength and muscle endurance.
• Improvement of looseness and muscle elasticity.
• Improving coordination.
Climbing is now regulated and organised by the F.A.S.I. (Italian Sport Climbing Federation), affiliated to the CONI Committee
The goal of climbers is the overcoming of rock routes with growing difficulties without the help of any artificial means for progression. Means forming part of the equipment, both on the wall climber, whose function is to provide a fall protection to mitigate the risks and minimize the degree of risk that you might mistakenly imagine for this sport ... In climbing is also practiced on artificial structures made of synthetic material inside gyms. Those who study the motor activity define climbing, together with the roll, to walk, to run, to jump, among the fundamental engines schemes which the child must progressively acquire the development, learning to coordinate the action of pushing the lower limbs with the maintenance of static and dynamic balance and with a tractive action of the upper limbs.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.