Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Sporting events are organised in each partner country

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Homepage > Best Practices > Initiatives

Collection of initiatives aiming at promoting:

  • awareness of importance of sport at school level
  • social inclusion and prevent early school leaving
  • an ethical approach to sport
  • all types of sports at school level

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Title of the initiative:
Film and Sport Night
Web site of the initiative:
Date of the Event:
February 2014
Badminton, Basket, Football, Table tennis, Volleyball
promotion of an ethical approach to sport
promotion of social inclusion and prevention of early school leaving through sport
Description of the initiatives:
The event was organized by Automotive Schools, the public vocational school in Gdańsk, for the second time (the first edition in 2013). The initiative aimed at students of the first classes, but it is also open for volunteers attending the higher classes (totally 30 – 40 students at the age of 17 - 19)
The idea to spend one night together and combine watching films with sport activities arose from the will to integrate the first class students with the school community and in a group as such, at the beginning of their new educational path.
The main event is preceded by a few preparation activities. The survey concerning the programme of the “night” is carried out among interested students. They signal their film and sport preferences. On the basis of the result, the programme of the event is elaborated with the cooperation of the teachers.
Secondly, the regulations regarding the code of conduct is prepared and accepted by the students. It contains the obligatory acceptance signed by the parents of participating students. Next, all the organizational issues are arranged: the students divided into groups, prepare the sport equipment, the film hall and refreshments. Even the “sleeping room” equipped with the mattresses and sleeping bags is ready for the tired participants.
The event lasted from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. next day. The programme of the Film and Sport Night included 3 films, selected taking into account their cognitive and educational values. Each projection was followed by a short quiz based on the film content. During the intervals the young people, supported by the teachers, played sports, such as football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis. The board games were also available for their fans.
The PE teachers joined the playing teams or cheered the students encouraging them to comply with the fair play rule.
The initiative gives the opportunity to the students and teachers to integrate, have fun together. The nice atmosphere and unusual situation influence students motivating them to join the sport games and developing positive attitude to the physical activity. The variety of actions (both the intellectual and physical ones) let all the students show their strengths, improve their self-esteem and feel a part of the school society.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.