Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Teachers of all subjects can contribute to promote sport at school

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How to Motivate Students Only Interested in Sport to Improve their School Performances

Teachers of All Subjects

9. Monitor signs of despondency or depreciation of the student
Do not assume at once that athlete students are necessarily uninterested in other matters, there could be various causes to their difficulties. Talk with them about their project, their obligations. Are they still interested? If the answer is no, help them reintegrate a regular class as easily as possible.
Keep in mind athlete students could face different kinds of problems (health problems, tensed family and social relationships due to their particular status…) and take into consideration the student’s general situation: allow some times the student stay at home and sleep instead of coming to school – if there is a good reason for tiredness, like late practices in the evening, late arrival from a game tour etc. Sometimes there are very simple reasons behind the student’s behavior, like a lack of time, tiredness, lack of motivation for some reason, lack of success in the sport career etc. Regular discussions with the student, parents and coaches should be a tool of interaction for the teachers and study counsellors.
Also take into account the student’s particular sport. A student engaged in an individual sport may be less at ease in social relationships, and therefore in the class group, than one doing a team sport
Learning Objective
The learning objective of step 9 is to make sure that a student is considered as a whole: there are many factors that affect to the performances both at school and in sport performances. Constant discussions both with the teachers and study counsellors help students to take more responsibility of their development; they feel secured and understand that they are able to get help for different questions and problems, whenever they need.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.