Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sporting events are organised in each partner country

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Homepage > Best Practices > Initiatives

Collection of initiatives aiming at promoting:

  • awareness of importance of sport at school level
  • social inclusion and prevent early school leaving
  • an ethical approach to sport
  • all types of sports at school level

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Title of the initiative:
Web site of the initiative:
Date of the Event:
Bulgaria, France
Basket, Football, Gymnastics, Tennis, Volleyball, Winter Sports
promotion of an ethical approach to sport
promotion of awareness of importance of sport at school level
promotion of social inclusion and prevention of early school leaving through sport
Description of the initiatives:
The European Commission awarded a grant to the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) in the framework of the Europe for citizens programme to implement the project EU:SPORT:FUTURE together with the following organisations:

Austrian Sports Confederation (BSO)
Bulgarian Ski Federation (BSF)
Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR)
Comité national olympique et sportif français (CNOSF)
Eesti Olümpiakomitee (Estonian Olympic Committee)
Önkormányzati Minisztérium Sport Szakallamtitkarsag (Ministry of Local Government, Sport State Secretariat, Hungary)
Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sport Federations (OCS-ASF)

The project ran from February until November 2009 (10 months), with a total budget of 248.000 Euros.


Objectives of the project

The project EU: SPORT: FUTURE aimed at

collecting the opinion of citizens on the future EU competence on sport and
providing recommendations to the future European sport competences on various aspects like health, social inclusion, employment, education and volunteering.


The project EU:SPORT:FUTURE was a broad discussion project, collecting the opinions of both experts and citizens to provide recommendations how the future EU competence in sport should be shaped.

The collection of opinions will be structured in the following way:

Questionnaire: A questionnaire gathered opinions of citizens on the future EU sport competence;
Citizen panels (workshops): The workshops focused on five specific topics such as education, society, volunteering, health and employment;
Intermediate conference;
Final conference;
Final report including the recommendations, workshop papers as well as the results of the questionnaire.

Core elements of the project


An online questionnaire was designed by the project team to collect opinions of citizens on the issues that were dealt with in the panels. It is available at the following address:

Citizen Panels (Workshops):

5 thematic workshops on education, society, volunteering, health and employment weree organized in the partner countries. The people of the workshops consisted of experts appointed by the project team and of citizens who were drawn out of the pool of submitted questionnaires.


This panel explores interrelations between sport and education. The discussions took into consideration the results of the European Year of Education through Sport 2004.


This panel looked upon the societal role of sport. Sport brought people together and was a cohesive force in Europe. Participants discussed how sport could contribute to the development of society with regards to social inclusion, fair play, tolerance, solidarity etc.


Sport clubs provided (public) services to society which public authorities would never be able to finance. To be able to offer these services volunteers are necessary. This panel focused on the issues related to volunteering and the promotion thereof.


Sport is a very cost-effective and efficient tool for providing health care. Strategies have to be developed to bring more people to do sports and be physically active. The panel discussed among other things of how to create a culture of lifelong physical activity.


Sport is recognized to contribute substantially to national wealth. Studies have shown that employment grows faster in the sport sector than in the traditional economy. What challenges for sport lie ahead and how sport can be more professionalized were discussed in this panel.

Gender and disability issues are cross-cutting themes and were dealt with in each workshop.

The citizen panels (workshops) discuss the above mentioned topics and the present situation. Building on these discussions, the ideal situation (vision) regarding EU and sport were outlined. In a next step, tools and measures shall be proposed in order to achieve this ideal situation.

Final Conference:

The final conference adoptd the final paper comprising the workshop papers and recommendations how a future EU sport competence should look like.

Due to the broad membership base of sport organisations it could be guaranteed that citizens of different demographic, geographical, social and professional backgrounds participated in the project.

Products of the project

Questionnaire: The Questionnaire of the project was sent out to a wide circle of citizens in whole Europe, and thus raises awareness about the project and its topic.
Media work: The project team drafted press releases. The publication of these press releases increased the visibility of the project and made it known to the wider public.
Workshop paper/ leaflets: Leaflets summarized the results of the workshops. The workshop papers encompassed all aspects of the workshop.

Results of the project

Final document: The final document including the recommendations, workshop papers as well as the results of the questionnaire was submitted to the European Commission and sent out to participants and the ENGSO-network.
Final conference: In the framework of the final conference EU:SPORT:FUTURE the results of the project were presented to European sport stakeholders. During a press conference the results and recommendations of the project were communicated and summarized. High profile figures in the public administration (Council, EC, CoR, EESC, EP, national ministries), economy and sport were invited to attend the final conference.
Events: ENGSO as a pan European organisation was present the results of EU:SPORT:FUTURE during its own meetings but also at meetings ENGSO is invited to like the European Sports Forum and other important events in the field of sport in the European Union.
Supporting Documents:

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.