Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Case Studies

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Collection of case studies of school students who succeeded in balancing school career with the passion for sport.

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Name of the student:
Sekou Top


Name of the School:
Collège Sainte-Véronique
School Typology:
General secondary school
Rue Rennequin Sualem, 15 4000 Liège
Web site:


The Context:
When and how your passion for sport started?
I started when I was three.

Who and how supported you?
My parents supported me a lot in my journey.

Do you think sport improves relationships with others?
Sport helps you make friends and live and play together.

Do you think that sport infrastructure of your school are adequate?
My school is well-organised, it knows what to do at any time.

What do you think about Physical Education at school?
Physical education is a good thing I think, as you can exert yourself and think about something else at school.

Do you think that young people are encouraged to practice sport in your country?
Young people in Belgium are not encouraged to do sport.
Balancing Sport and Education:
How many hours per day/week do you dedicate to sport?
I play handball 14 hours a week.

How many hours per day/week do you dedicate to studying?
I study one 1 – 2 hours a day.

Please describe the successes you achieved in your sport activity?
I think I am on the right path, I am in the national team and in a good club.

Please describe the performances of your school career
I do well at school, however, I am not as motivated to succeed at school as at sport.

What kind of impact did the sport had on your school career?
Sport/study makes a big change top my school career. I had to get organised and, admittedly, I would have better succeeded with that many hours of sport.

Do you think that your school performances would have been better without the sport activity?

What kind of solutions did you identify to balance the sport activity and the school career?
I had to force myself to study because if I do not succeed, I will be fired from the training centre.
Future Perspectives:
Which are your plans for the future? Sport, university or work?
Now I work a lot at school and in sport. In the future, my dream is to become a professional. But I do my best to have a school certificate in case I don’t succeed in sport. Because unlike in football, the pay isn’t that good.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.